Sunday, November 18, 2007

Seeking Safety for All

For many months toys have been disappearing from the shelves of the popular stores such as Wal Mart, K Mart, and Toys R US.
Many of the toys were related to the popular television shows for children under six years old and removed due to their lead content.

In the next few weeks I will be searching through stores for alternate toys for my granddaughter. Luckily there is a plethora of 'Princess" related items that are available.
There are also some new company names emerging on the shelves.

With the rising recalls of toys, other recalls such as food and drugs, have appeared daily in newspapers and on the Internet.

Who and Where are the people that are supposed to watch over imported items and our own manufacturers? Is somebody watching over E Bay to ensure none of these recalled items are being offered for sale?

Yes I will be out in shopping land the day after Thankgiving

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