Thursday, April 24, 2008


FYI I am an Ailurophile--no it's not bad.

It's just that I have always loved cats. I must be related to the Egyptians. There has always been at least one cat in the house from day one. Between my mother and I we have taken in at least 18 beautiful felines, all colors, all sizes over the years. While she was a one cat person(and he was enormous), I have had up to six at a time.

I have many neighbors that feed our strays, along with me, every day. As a thank you they often leave me a freshly killed rodent. I have not seen a live rodent for years.
Many years ago someone abandoned a large gray Hemingway cat. He was beautiful and gave me many kittens with multiple toes and claws over his lifetime.
I have had dogs, fish, and birds and they were ok.
But it's the purring that touched my heart. Cats Rule!