Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Salute to Grandparents raising grandchildren

I admire the grandparents (and I personally know several) who have taken on a second generation to raise. When their children fell into bad situations and could not or would no longer be responsible parents, these people, many preparing for retirement, have taken on total responsibility for one or several little lives.
While sons and daughters are in rehabilitation programs for various reasons, or perhaps incarcerated, grandparents have provided a home for their grandchildren. Some grandchildren are eventually reunited with their parents, others remain with their grandparents.

Grandparents Day has taken on a new meaning over the last few years. Grandparents are not rocking on the porch. They are going to school functions, sports events, and keeping the family together.
God Bless these Grandparents!

1 comment:

Maya Reynolds said...


Like you, I know several grandparents raising their grandchildren. Chasing around after a toddler at age fifty earns one platinium threads in their crowns.