Thursday, May 24, 2007

Response to a tag game

According to the directions here are 8 little known facts about me
This is for you Maya!

1-I don't like to come in out of the rain Rain water makes hair soft and I always got in trouble for lugging containers of rain water through the house to save for later

2-I live in Florida I HATE THE BEACH (and I can't swim)

3-I am a klutz. I have fallen down stairs several times, tripped over grass runners, fallen up stairs, ballet needs more coordination than I can muster

4-I like noise, I have a set of drums

5-I am a magnet for static electricity.....the fountain, the printers, metal doors, shopping carts, other people, my car, my first record player (until it caught on fire), the toaster
..I feel the electricity and often see sparks

6-I wanted to be a painter...middle school art class was a disaster..the india ink spilled, my trees didn't look like...well a tree Stick people are stupid unless you are reading a Nancy Drew novel or a Sherlock Holmes mystery

7-I want to hug a white bengal tiger ..unfortunately Seigfried and Roy have dibs on the majority of the species

8-I want to see Grand Central Station, I hear it looks better than it did in the 60's
And visit Central Park as long as I am there

1 comment:

Maya Reynolds said...

What a great job of describing you in just eight sentences. Told you that you were a writer!